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Great Dunmow

Haysom Ward Miller were approached by a Client who had been able to secure outline planning permission for a custom build development of 22 houses and was looking for a way to secure permission for the Reserved Matters (Full Planning Permission), and help develop an implementation strategy which would enable the houses to be personally customised by each prospective plot purchaser.


Working closely with the local planning authority we developed a modular system, made up of three principal house types and then a choice of various plug-in extensions to suit the topography and orientation of each plot.  Each module, manufactured off-site, would come with a fixed price tag, and a choice of external cladding materials.  This would provide cost control for each plot purchaser who would then be able to tailor their house to suit their particular needs and budget. The limited palette of materials and building module types would preserve a coherence and consistency across the whole development.


To secure full planning permission we had to submit a 'likely proposal' for each plot, which would  illustrate how the modular system and material choices would work and serve as a masterplan for the development.  Planning consent was approved unanimously by the Council.  The case officer was given delegated power to approve any customised variation as a condition to the approval. 

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