Richmond Road
This mews scheme consists of four link detached houses in a former light industrial / workshop site behind a row of terraced houses. The houses face on to an informal gravel lane richly landscaped under a canopy of mature trees, and accessed via narrow tracks into and out of the site.

A particular design challenge was to find a way accommodate vehicles without them dominating this open communal space.The design includes one open parking enclosure to the side of the front door. This open parking space provides glimpses through to the garden with access for bikes and bins.The car is tucked away and the front door remains clearly articulated as the principal entrance, and the living room and glazed entrance lobby create a sense of an active frontage. This sense of beneficial overlooking, along with small area of planting to the frontage enlivens and animates the shared public space which feels safe and enclosed.
To the rear the houses overlook a park and lane of mature trees, so the garden elevation is made up of stepped terraced balconies which extend and provide height to the garden.